Monday, March 8, 2010

A bad day for fish

Mom and I went to the street market to punish some fish.

Snake headed fish are so ugly maybe they deserve to be punished. But cleaning them is a
gruesome process. It all starts with clubbing the head--WHACK!

Like creatures form the Devonian period, they have heavily armored skulls with enormous jaw muscles. So, after being skinned, de-snouted and fairly hacked, it's time for another WHACK!

All this gives one respect for food--an a little bit of kharma that was lost in its preparation. The meat is tasty--very fatty, but with ferocious bones. Cross sections are cooked with a delicious sauce, and the head and tail are simply steamed and need to be dipped in fish sauce. Whew, let's end on a sweet note. Here are the best mangos in the world:

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