Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Minnow in a School of Anchovies

I wish I was a writer or a poet. Something really needs to be said about Saigon traffic that hasn't been said already, even if it's just a list of "driving rules." I'm hoping to make a helmet cam to do my talking for me, but first I have to find a place that sells washers and screws (I can't find anything here without explicit guidance).
Anyway, I had a shock in my adult English class--a survey on motorcycles vs bicycles came out 50-50. Very at odds with the ratio you find on the street.

So here she is. The top of the line roadster-type bike. I think it was 1.5 million dong, which is roughly $90. Aluminum Frame. One gear. Basket is very handy. A comfy seat for Jenny in the back and foot rests. Pedal-powered headlight. A nifty built-in lock for the back wheel (so why not shoulder the whole bike and ride away on your motorcycle? I'm sure it's been done). Lots and lots of extra crap--mud gutters, metal rims around the tires, chain housing, deluxe kickstand--that I was about to strip, but from the first day I rode it home I decided I'll take every extra metal and plastic bit for protection.

In heavy traffic (which totals half the day) the bike easily keeps up with motorcycles, squeezes with the crowd easier, has less inertia (in traffic everyone has to scoot with their legs anyway). I'm now riding Jenny on her scooter, but given the choice I'll always choose the bike.

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