A large portion of the war museum is dedicated to children's modern art. Boy do these people know how to heal (and while our country is still so very messed up from the war). After the world's biggest downer, this really cheered me up. Yay! We're all dancing with a giraffe! The message they teach is peace, which is taught by a no-holds barred exposure to the worst of war--the kid's "dioxin baby" shows that the young artist is exposed to horrors we'd never show to our kids (we don't show consequences, we show Maxwell Smart shooting bad guys and it's fun!). And yet I don't see any kids here with toy guns, drawing the usual paratroopers shooting arabs or Cobra troopers with little pew pew bullets. They don't brag like we do here--the emphasis isn't on people waving flags, they don't have lots of uplifting war monuments like we have. They have a more realistic view on the naked badness of war. So the parents work so that Vietnam can catch up with the industrial world, and the kids color.
Can they be having any more fun? Even gramma is having a ball setting fires!
Happy, peaceful villages are considered "cool?" Love the buddhist images of the guy playing a flute riding a bull.
These were done by 5 year olds! Yay, playing fully dressed in the ocean!
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