Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A better mouse trap is no trap at all.

Vietnamese are incredibly resourceful and inventive. So I wasn't surprised to see these home-made barriers. I just didn't know what they were for.

Eventually, I discovered that mice would sneak in and run across Jenny's parents while they slept. They put a lot of time and worry into these barriers (the one downstairs is made from cardboard boxes and 2 X 4s painstakingly wrapped with the all purpose plastic tape) but they are absolutely 100% ineffective. Mice can jump well over 4 feet and can creep through the most negligible cracks, and whatever a mouse can do, a rat can do better.

Today at the supermarket I passed by this device--an electric ultrasound mouse-be-gone, and I couldn't resist taking it home.

I was sure the parents would stick by tradition and scoff at the idea, but they were ecstatic. I plugged it in straight-a-way. Don't know if it works, but the barriers are gone, and no one complains.

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